220115 Bredäng with Rebecca

Today I had (again!) the great pleasure to walk with Rebecca. We continued our exploration of the South West of Stockholm alon

211106 walking to Stensjön in Tyresta from the North

Today we went for a walk in Tyresta. The idea was to park further east near Mörkdalen but we got it wrong and parked earlier.

211031 Walking in Judarskogen and Kärsön

Yesterday evening I suddenly felt the urge to go for a little trek. I had spent an intensive week at work and had played chamb

Has Sweden invented bank crashes?

The Swedish Riksbank celebrates its 360th anniversary! They say they are the oldest bank in the world. They also had the large

Our adventure in Sarek :D

It was crazy to decide that our second multiday trek would be 14 days mostly in Sarek but at the time we made the decision, we

Sunday morning

Sunday morning, -11 and sunny! Time to go skating with Minna at Hellasgården! ?

Winter Sandhamn

David and I took the ferry to Sandhamn. He has a project where he will illustrate a book about thoughts written on Sandhamn so


C’est Papa qui a rempli les 75 comme on dit en Suédois! Nous avons donc châtoté en famille et c’était bien agr

99 million old…

Here is the report of a cool discovery: a piece of tail from a dinosaure that lived 99 million years ago!! 🙂

Embra in the sunshine

I just came back from Scotland where I met Ze Girls, as every year. And as every year, we had a great time. This time however,

Off the auto

I went to a photography Meetup and that was a lot of fun. The topic was flash photography and since I know nothing about this,


This series of photographs by Jean-Louis Fernandez of the iTMOi choregraphy rehearsals by Akram Khan in Grenoble goes against

Vive la politique!

Super interesting discussion between two philosophers, one former Greek finance minister and Wikileak Julian Assange, on a pre

La Verrie par 29 degrés

Maman et moi sommes allées rendre visite à Yann et sa famille de lapins cuddlers. Trop chouette week end avec en rab la dép

Japan second round

I spent New Year’s eve and day in a special way: laying in a bed with regular visits to the toilets… Apart from th

Noël 2015 à Paimpol

Super nice holiday, for Christmas this time. Une fois n’est pas coutûme comme dirait la reine mère! Tout le monde, tou

Summery Paimpol

Really nice to meet Ze Gueurls in Paimpol this summer! We picked ALL the hazelnuts, ate the freshest oysters and ymmy grilled

Kayaking in the Archipelago

This summer we had a problem with our boat engine, just when we were getting ready to go on 3 weeks holidays! after waiting a

Midsommar i Dalarna :)

 We went to the Swedish region of Dalarna for Midsommar with Toni and Julia. They were invited to Smedjebacken by their frien

International Berlin!

Meeting Cris from Italy/Switzerland, Cheng from Singapore and Christine from China/Singapore in nice and sweaty Berlin for a l

At last, Norway!

 I have been dreaming about going to Norway since I moved to Sweden, 9 years ago! Why I did not make it there earlier is a my

Maman a Cholet

Le 75e annif de Maman a Cholet cette annee 🙂 Elle petait presque le feu. Moi aussi presque d’ailleurs, avant de me ch

Les araignees de Chiharu

 Une fois de plus trouvé et zieuté et partagé par Clod Chiharu Shiota


 Amazing photographs by this terribly annoying teen called David Uzochukwu.

Lil’ Buck the Swan

Amazingly beautiful dance by this American urban dancer called Lil Buck who performs on The Swan played by Yo Yo Ma. I also lo

Corfu chaude et belle!

Hard to pick a picture! this trip to Corfu in Greece was super nice and I took loads of pictures. It was David’s 50th bi

Northern lights!

 Lucky us! Have a look here at my pictures of our week end in Kiruna, at the Abisco National Park and near KebneKaiser, t

A white Noel! :)

Tons of snow these days! I took a few pictures during our walk to Kvarnholmen today. Even building sites are nice and snowy! �

Elba island sur l’AMV

Very nice holidays on l’Ar Mor Vras with Papa, David and Sandra! We went to Castilione della Pescaia then to Elba island

Congratulations! You just won a centrosome!

I bumped into a nice website called Molecular Frontiers which is meant to answer questions teenagers ask about science. Nice!

LLL, qui me rappelle que la chanson Française, c’est drôlement bien!

Raphaele Lannadere… Pas moyen de trouver son site officiel mais voici Jalouse, El Djazair et Je fume. Pas de signe de

La nuit, le jour et toutes les autres nuits

Ha ha ha!! trop trop bien l’interview Blier/Audiard

1973, l’année des fées

C’est Maman qui nous avait fait les robes et les costumes de fée!! Celui de Claude était vert. Je m’en souviens

Cinema Politica

Open your eyes and your ears and your brain and your tears to all those pains out there in the back of my head, Ticking. Silen

Singaporean Rome

Beautiful Rome with Cheng and Christine: a lovely long week end in Rome invaded by Singaporeans with shopping fever!! Have a l

Tom’s secret

Have a look at Tom Waits’ private, very private party here. What a gangster! Anyway I think I am going to buy it!! 🙂


Since I have not published anything for a long time, I thought I’d share with you some important scientific information:

Greece, beautiful and angry

Greece was beautiful this month! I went there for a conference which was held in Alexandroupoli, in the North of Greece in the

Deezer de bonne aventure

Deezer ca s’appelle. C’est chouette. On peut ecouter plein de musiques francaises… enfin plus ou moins vu qu

Cocorico Suédois!

Le Mipex c’est le Migrant Policy Index. C’est Anglais et ca compare les conditions d’integration des immigra

liquid solid glass

Quantum Fluctuations Can Promote or Inhibit Glass Formation Thomas E. Markland et al. Nature Physics 2010 If I got this right,


I met Mark at a climbing gym shortly before leaving Singapore. We used to go and enjoy a delicious Indian meal after climbing

Mario Lucio Sousa

Mario Lucio’s afrocuban jazzy music is here! Works on my summer and winter! 🙂

Henrik Safe?

Henrik Trygg lives, like us, in Nacka but unlike us he has just published a book about long distance skating. His last name me

The Big Eye over Stockholm

Here are a few pictures of the strange halo that was seen around the sun above Stockholm. It is not uncommon but normally bare

Raspberries and chocolate brownie!

Christmas at home!! Was nice and warm. I was the cook on the 24th and David on the 25th. I cooked a lamb leg with potatoes and

Uri Alon’s misery!

Very very interesting series of talks here!And yes, he still does science!!He says things like: ‘Making automatic choice

I just made a gift to myself! :)

Today I bought myself a gift certificate from Kiva then I redeemed my gift by donating $25 to a family in Cambodia to repair t

Espions Francais en Suede!!

Ah! le fameux ‘modele suedois’ dont les Francais parlent tant!Dans une emission sur France 2 par example: C’

Val 2010!

Tomorrow David and I will vote! Alex has decided not to go. As foreigners we are allowed to vote for the town and the county c

I got you on tape, Fallulah!

I like these guys from Denmark. I got you on tape… weird name for a band! and especially Fallulah definitely to be follo

Impressive Wikileak

Excellent interview of Julian Assange by TED, the spokesperson of Wikileak which publishes sensitive and secret information on

Stuart the gentle Scott :)

Stuart and Catrina Clyne are two very nice Scotts I met in Singapore. They are cat people and to tell the truth I think they a

David drags Max and Alex out of their rooms!!

He actually did it!! Amazing! Here are the pictures. They look dead bored but they liked it! Actually Alex even sailed the boa

Melody Gardot

Coucouille comme on dit par chez nous! Long time no chat comme on dit ailleurs! Bumped into this wonderful lady whom everyone

Visiting Gällnö with Tony and Julia

Here are the pictures of our two little trips with Toni and Julia to Gällnö, one of the numerous islands that are nature res

Midsommar on Resarö

Dancing frog dances around the pole with flowers on our heads, eating BBQed fish and admiring the sunset! We did all that for

Sous le soleil exactement

Des photos de David et moi at the utsicktplats sous le soleil de Mai. Today is the first day of my 5 weeks holidays! My men ha

Jil is lucky

Claude sent this crazy stuff to me. Kenzo has used it for a very nice ad of my favourite perfume! I like the music and the vid

Eddie Izzard

Cris sent this link to me! Hilarious!

JK Rowling’s brain

Check this very interesting talk to Harvard students in 2008 by JK Rowling, Harry Potter’s mum. Very inspiring! She says

Pyramids and Pirogs

I was looking for information on vitamins and in which food to find them when I bumped into this great site from the American

Moins de pubs dans vos boites aux lettres

Je recois des pubs pour des magazines francais depuis quelques temps. Elles sont expediees a mon adresse suedoise. Je me deman

Photovoice: envoyez leur vos vieux appareils photo!

Have a look at Photovoice! Send the old lenses and cameras you do not use anymore but that still work fine to this place! They

Get your ceiling fixed, for geckos’ sake!

An ad for renovations, with a bit of Thai twisted humour to it…

Voting system in Sweden!

Coucou tout le monde! I got a good break today from my dark hole!! At least so far (it’s almost 5pm so not bad!). I am n

out of my hole to peep at some design stuff

As I peeped out of my dark hole this morning I got a glimpse of this young Swedish designer called Marie-Louise Gustafsson I f

Bloody heart

I’m alive and kicking after getting out of my dark hole for the 5th time! After my operation in November and all the swe

From my dark hole to Ted´s world

A very impressive Ted talk by a Swedish professor called Hans Rosling

Zic Zazou

Claude est allee voir Zic Zazou et ca a l’air bien! Pourquoi vont-ils en Coree et pas ici ces andouillettes?


Check this very nice idea in the T-bana!Here is the video.

cot cot codec!

A link to an interesting article about audio formats found on the VLC forum. For those who wonder why: I am high on cortisone

peintures fantomes de Paul Bloas

Le site de Paul Bloas, le Brestois, rien que pour Claude (bon les autres peuvent regarder aussi). J’apprends sur son sit

Beautiful swedish winter

A bit of Swedish winter fun last week end on the island of Resarö where Toni and Julia have their beautiful house. David, Pat

Claude et Rog’ in Stockholm!

They came just before my 2nd treatment! Great timing as David had to quickly rush to Ireland to help his mum and dad and as it


I like Svante Henryson! A viking with a cello!


yeah that’s me for sure! after David took this picture I started my transmutation into a blonde via being temporarily ba

Giant brother

Have you all ever tried and surf for something radicaly different from the stuff you usually look up? Give it a quick try: do

winter beauty

summer and winter mix but never mind! Here are some pictures of the very gorgeous Swedish winter!

immigration en France

Me revoila! Ca fait un bout de temps que je n’ai rien poste mais c’est la vie! 🙂 En attendant plein de trucs (p

Bonne année 2010!


Asterix et famille en Suede!

 Yann a souvent l’air d’un etre humain normal! Mais certains details ne trompent pas! The truth about my brot

Nacka la belle!

Now that I have started, I can’t stop! Anyway here are some more winter pictures. This time it’s on Nacka! The tre

Swedish giraffes

voila! une ballade avec Rebecca cet hiver sur Djurgården!

Crazy crazy birds

It’s called wingsuit! WOW!!Have a look at the flight by Loic Jean-Albert! Il est pas bien ce type!!

Sardinia 2e edition

Voici les photos de la Sardaigne version 2009! Cette fois-ci nous sommes descendus vers le Sud. Tres belles journees de voile

Le cafe

Caroline a envoye ca a Claude qui me l’a envoye et donc le voila en troisieme main et c’est vachement bien! Ca s&#

My favorite sailor!

Before we go on another sailing trip, hopefully in August, here are the pictures of last year’s trip to the archipelago.

We got married!!!

David and I got married last Saturday!! 🙂 The ceremony was held at the beautiful city hall of Stockholm. It was supposed to


My mum has this nasty disease which affects her eyes. It’s called DMLA in French and ARMD (Age-related macular degenerat

090619 holiday in Paimpol

Holidays in Brittany were great as usual! This year we did not stay very long but it was busy alright! We arrived on Friday ev

how to get a hug from Alex!

Alex has turned 18! This is a few days before his birthday, the day before our departure to France. David gave him his bulkies


I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

James Jean the American Taiwanese

David found this guy called James Jean who does very interesting stuff and does it a lot!


Martien et Isa et leur famille vont au Vietnam pendant 6 mois! Quelle chance!!! Pour fêter ça, voici une photo de deux petit

Lådna en amoureux!

Last week end David and I went sailing on his nice unnamed boat to a nearby part of the Swedish archipelago called Lådna. Ver

Sweden in the dark ages

Here is a story that chills me by the journalist Maciej Zaremba! Racism is all over the place and there is no escaping it exce

Europe and Tensta

If like me you only know who you really don’t want to vote for but have no idea who to choose during the upcoming Europe

mad biker

some mad biker video found by my super David!His name is Danny MacAskill and here is his site.


strange facts: there are a lot more rapes reported in Sweden than elsewhere in Europe as reported by The Local. I can see how


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